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Quality and Inspection Services

Quality and Inspection Services", Third Party Inspection Services Company

QMCC Provides services for Third Party Inspection, Vendor Inspection Services, Welding and Coating Inspection Services for Industry.

Third Party Inspection services refers to independent inspection services that are provided by inspection agencies. This article supplies you with information about TPI definition, TPI companies and also provides you with third party independent inspection procedures for the different fix, rotary, electrical and instrumental equipment. In purchasing and procurement projects the sellers and vendors are first parties. The second parties are purchasers or buyers.

First party inspection refers to quality control activities that are done by equipment vendors or sellers.

Second party inspection refers to inspection activities that are done by equipment buyers or purchasers.

In fact, the first party is a seller and the second party is the buyer. So when you state second party inspection, it means that an inspection and quality control activities that are done by a buyer and when you indicate first party inspection, it means that an inspection and quality check that is done by a vendor in its manufacturing shop.

Vendor Inspection QMCC Provides Vendor Inspection Services and expediting (Vendor Surveillance). The article explains the process of the vendor inspection.

The article supplies you with information about the second party and third party inspection process in the manufacturing shop. This content also provides lots of other articles for shop inspection practices for each equipment type.